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Sigung Yip Ching & My Sifu Michael Yan Choi

Italy Wing Chun Workshop 2018

Sifu Michael Choi: "Every year , we are invited to several workshops. This year , we were invited to the beautiful country of Italy...."

Membership of World Wing Chun Union & Permanent member of Ving Tsun Athletic Association

Ginny Chow Membership of World Wing Chun Union & Permanent member of Ving Tsun Athletic Association

Grand Master Yip/Ip Ching 葉正 師傅

7 juli 1936, Foshan, China-25 januari 2020, Hong Kong, China 葉正師傅, 痛於公歷二零二零年一月二十六日逝世,享年八十有五。 葉正師傅為葉問宗師之次子,承傳宗師之絕藝,精研詠春武術,為人樸實勤奮,桃李滿門,多年來熱心推動葉問系詠春拳之發展,歷任本會主席及會長多年,貢獻良多,為同門典範。 詠春葉正體育會 Ving Tsun Ip Ching Athletic Association// 李煜昌詠春拳術會


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